Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rainy Weather

For the past few days it has been raining it's butt off and my mood has been equal to the weather, today is the big storm and Tom has to go out and work in it so I am not happy but can only know with his training and experience as a truck driver that he will be okay.

I am coughing more again and just hope I am not coming down with a cold or the flu again or my bronchitis is not flaring up.

All in all I am okay but just out of sorts, maybe it's the weather, or well in a day or so it should go away.

I feel bad complaining when all those people in Haiti are dead or dying or have lost everything, I wish I could help in some way but on disability you barely have the money to take care of yourself much less anyone else.  All I can do is pray for them.

Just an update.

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