Monday, May 24, 2010

At the hospital for the isotope injection then chemotherapy then the totally body bone scan

Thank you all for the well wishes and I am here at the hospital waiting to get the isotopes injected (at first they looked at me like they had no idea what the hell I was talking about when I said why I was here) then I go over to get chemotherapy. So will update in a bit........

Isotopes injected, (poor guy tried to go in my arm and couldn't get past the scar tissue so went in my hand (OUCHIE) then over here to get my lab work done through my port (BTW the gum did not help, still tasted the saline and heparin and stomach rolled but managed to hang in there).

Saw my Oncologists Assistant, told her about the nausea I have been experencing the past few days and with the saline and heparin flushes, she is checking to see if they put Amend in my premeds and going to talk to the Oncologist about giving me a week off chemo.

Okay time for them to start treatment, be back in a few.....

Thank you all for your words and you have no idea how much I appreciate them.

So, to finish up yesterday (It's now Tuesday), the Oncologists Assistant listened to me about dizziness and the nausea even through the compazine so she wrote two prescriptions, one for Emend and one for it looks like Folrun? Today I will get those filled. And I lost 2 lbs. She said she would talk to the Oncologist about pushing my next chemotherapy session back to three weeks from yesterday from two weeks.

I felt sick on and off during the chemotherapy treatment although I did eat a cafeteria tuna fish sandwhich (purposely asked Tom to get my sandwhich from there as it is the most bland I could think of as he usually goes to Rubio's or something and I eat and then feel worse) Also wanted pudding but he said they had none, a hospital cafeteria with no pudding? What is this world coming to???? (grins)

Then had side effects of stomach hurting but toughed that out and then my hands wend numb, have had this happen before and the nurse kept coming to check on me but I guess there was nothing she could do. It was like they were asleep but no pins and needles just numb but hurt at the same time.

So we were running right at the 5 hour max timeline for the isotopes when they unplugged me from the machine and flushed the port so Tom stayed behind to get my next appoinment and I rushed (as much as I could) to the main hospital and down to radiology. They took me right in and put me on this NARROW (what they think everyones a size 0?) table, head on pillow, pillow under my knees, and slide in panels for my arms to rest on, then they took the full body bone scan, came back in and had me turn on my left side and did another bone scan of my ribs, the tech took pains to tell me it was not because they saw anything just the way they always do it.

So then helped me sit up and then the kicker Tech: "Miss, are you planning on going on a trip by plane anytime soon?" Me: "No, why?" Tech: "Well if you do you will probably set off the alarms as you will be a bit radioactive for a time" Me: "NOW you tell me this?" LOL

So then Tom and I came home, watched TV where I dozed off and on and he made me a grilled cheese sandwhich and soup and I fought off nausea and stomach pains and head ache. Then he went to sleep and I had insomnia till about 1am.

So this morning I took my heartburn medicine, my compazine and my valium, have a teeny bit of a headache but am okay, ate cereal just now and in a bit we are headed to the store and drugstore.

I hope all are doing well and my thoughts and prayers are with you this day as everyday.

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