Tuesday, November 10, 2009

5th Chemo session

So yesterday I went to my 5th chemotherapy session, one more to go before I get a PET scan to see the chemo is doing anything all, it could be working and the cancer cells shrinking, it could be doing anything at all they could be growing or they could be just staying stagnant.  What gives me hope although I know it's not the best indicator is the CEA levels keep going now, from my 10/26/09 blood draw it was 159 and I guess that horrendous shot to up my white blood cells worked as they were at 5 yesterday.

We had a semi-private room this time, (two other women in it) and it was great cause I was right by the bathroom and could get up and go as much as I needed to (a lot) without bothering anyone else.  The time flew by as we all talked about different things; other cancers and treatments, our side effects and what helps and what doesn't and then we turned to politics and we are Obama haters and think this medical bill passing is chit but thankfully it still has to go through the Senate so maybe it will be better modified or cut off at the knees.

My Oncologist suggested bag balm for my hands and feet at night as that does help the hand/foot syndrome and also because I don't want to take Imodium for the diarrhea she suggested Pepto Bismo as I am really more afraid of the constipation than the diarrhea and the Pepto Bismo will help the diarrhea without throwing me into constipation.

Last night was a good night, ate a late meal and took my compazine and pretty much slept through the night with only one instance  of diarrhea.  Put the bag balm on my hands and feet with socks and gloves and already can see results, I will use this regularly.

On a sad note my Oncologists Assistant's, Assistant is leaving to go to New York.  I am going to miss Julianna she is right there when I need anything from Kristin or my Oncologist ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) take care and be well and know you'll be missed Julianna

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