Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Had a wonderful day yesterday and today is just the day we laid around the house

Well yesterday we went to see 2012 (Great Great Movie) then we walked the mall and we went to Kohl's and got me some warm booties for the coming winter, we went through Barnes and Noble and I had to sit down like 5 times as fatigue was just overcoming me. 

I really really hate that part of the chemo, I walk up 15 steps to our studio and have to rest like every third step, that and the diarrhea, am steadily keeping a bottle of pepto by my bedside to stave that off as my poor little butt, eeeps sorry TMI.

Anyways, we went window shopping to get some ideas for our new place and then to Coco's to get a pumpkin pie to bring home.  I was hoping to cook a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving but Tom decided platters from Coco's of their Turkey Feast and another pumpkin pie so the strain on me is minimum.

I also gave in on wanting to try a different cat litter, Tom is going back to the cat litter and will take over scooping some on the litter and on cleaning the boxes when needed so He is definitely willing to help me.

Got some good news from my Oncologist my CEA from 11/09/09 is 113 so it IS steadily dropping.  On the 23rd is my sixth chemo treatment and I talk to my Oncologist's assistant about scheduling my PET scan so we can decide do we keep going with chemo, do we do surgery, do we try ablation or what so will keep you up to date.

We move two weeks from today so probably won't post until chemo on Monday as I will be busy cleaning and boxing some more stuff up, but I will take care of myself and take it easy I promise.

Talk to you on Monday and take of yourselves, ya'll .............................

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