Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sometimes something happens that make you stop and go WOW!

This morning while Tom and I had our coffee on our front porch a hawk appeared, gliding upon the air currents in lazy looping patterns, I am not a birdaphiliac (is that a word? (grins) so have no idea what kind of hawk it was but Tom assured me it was a hawk. Suddenly from the left side of our vision a crow (I think it was a crow, could have been a black bird I guess) appeared, flying fast and hard.

I thought nothing of it until I saw it approaching the hawk and told Tom to look, He and I watched as the Crow (?) attacked the hawk, swooping at it and working it's wings hard, trying to drive the hawk away.

The hawk seemed not to even notice the crow, just rode the air currents in the same lazy looping pattern with no effort while the crow expended tremendous energy on attacking the hawk.

After a time both disappeared from view but it was one of those moments of time where all you can do is watch and stop what you are doing and go WOW.

Just WOW.

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