Sunday, September 27, 2009

A great night with one little minor annyoance

So, we got dressed up and headed out for out night with Kathy Griffith.

It was  a wonderful night, she is such a great comedian and puts on a heck of a show, we didn't stop laughing and she really put out a great performance.  Our seats were perfect, 11 rows back and 7 seats in, absolutely perfect. This is what Tom and I do, we do things togeather; Sea World, The San Diego Zoo, The Wild Animal Park, Disney Land, Mystery Dinner Theatre, Movies, Medevil Times, Concerts, Plays, Shows, and I am so thankful to Tom for being in my life and doing these things with me, even if I only have a year or two left, I can say that my life with him has been the best and greatest of my life.

Then we decided to head to Denny's ("our" place (inside joke but yes it is our place) and we get there and go in.

Well, the "neighbors" that are (allegedlly) meth heads and  (actually) drunks and harass me at our complex were there and they started making comments and "MOOOOing" at me.  It hurt me and  took me awhile to get over. (and seriously okay I am 230 right now but one of their girlfriends is bigger than me and the other one is getting bigger and still dresses like the S word but ................................)

I am trying to follow Tom's philosophy of pacifism and ignoring that stuff but it still hurts and I find myself getting hurt that Tom doesn't stand up for me.  BUT I was determined not to let it spoil our evening so I pushed past it and we ate, came home and cuddled in bed watching TV till we fell asleep.

Oh btw the I took a vicodin for my tooth before we left for the show and let me tell you that was an experience, I think I was high LOL

Okay tomorrows second chemotherapy treatment so today is relax by the pool, watch football and play my Sims 2 on the computer.

Have a great and wonderful day everyone and will update after the chemotherapy..... God Bless


  1. Glad you had good night apart from the idiots, but so good that you both rise above it all, as they are not worth it, in life we all come across people who would want to hurt us, but what compenstates is those who love us and like to be with us,,, All the best for your chemo tomorrow and just sit back and let that chemo kill thos evil cells... God Bless You Both ....Rob and Brab

  2. I have been stage 4 colon/liver/lungs/node cancer for over 3 years. Hang in there! Sue
