Monday, September 14, 2009

Woke up to the alarm at 5:45am, Tom hit snooze and I headed for the bathroom to use it, wash my hands and face, brush my teeth and wet down my short, short hair.  Then out of the bathroom to turn OFF the radio alarm clock and my phone alarm.

Fed the cats, made coffee and took my Prilosec and one 5mg Valium.  Dressed in comfortable clothes and made Tom two breakfast egg, sausage and cheese biscuits.

Got together my blankie (yes blankie sue me I need comfort during this time), a tote bag with my laptop and a movie Tom wants to watch, a tote bag with books for us both and today's newspaper.

Put Tom's coffee in a travel mug and filled my purple Avastin jug with ginger ale and ice.  Cleaned the cat's plates and put them in the drainer while Tom made the bed.  Then I grabbed my purse and went outside to smoke (yes I am quitting but not all at once) and to wait on Tom (For me being a woman and  Him being a man it takes me a hell of a lot less time to get ready than him (grins).

We hugged and kissed and got in the van and headed to the hospital.

Found the A floor in the main hospital, checked in and waited about 1/2 an hour then they called me back.  Got me ready and started an IV, then had me walk in to the small operating table and gave me saline and then a cocktail of drugs for "twilight sleep" had me turn my head to the left and made a small incision in my neck, threaded the catheter into the vein and made an incision in my right chest, settled the port in place and connected the catheter then stitched the incision closed and put dressing over them.  The needle and line from the port were left in so they could access it for the chemo.

Good drugs, was kind of aware sometimes but if I said even "ouch", "stings" or moaned they were right there pushing more of the drugs so no pain at all.

When I was done they wheeled me out, grabbed Tom and off we went to the Cancer Center where they ensconced me in a recliner in the main day room.  Tom got me settled with a blanket and we both read while waiting.  The only glitch was no one realized I was there and 45 minutes later Tom went and talked with a nurse, they found my chart and the nurse assigned to me came over and set up a IV drip of saline, then she started me on a drip of an anti-nausea medication and antibiotics and steroids and benadryl.  Explaining all of them for me very well.

Tom started watching his movie on the laptop and I was soon asleep, woke up an hour later and got my pole unplugged from the wall and went to the bathroom (this was to be a recurring scene and the nurse said next time (Probably September 28th as barring my white blood cell count or platelet count going to low I will be having chemotherapy every two weeks) I will get one of the rooms with a bathroom (did I mention I have a bladder the size of a pea anyways? LOL).

Then we went on to a saline flush, then the Leucovorin (Folinic Acid), another saline flush, then the Oxaliplatin, another saline flush then the Avastin, then another saline flush and then the 5-FU by injection into the tube to the port in my chest.  Then I was hooked up to the pack which will administer more 5-FU throughout 46 hours.  I cannot shower during that time and have to try to be less than my klutzy self (GRINS)

Wednesday I go back at 1pm to have the pack removed and to have my dressings changed.  Then on the 21st I go to have blood drawn and talk to my Dr.

During the treatment I felt a bit dizzy a few times, that went away, I had big hot flashes that started at my head and went to my toes along with accompanying sweat and I experienced a bit of the shock in my mouth of drinking cold things that is one of the side effects of Oxaliplatin although it wasn't severe yet and it didn't effect my hands.

The whole thing took from getting to the hospital at 7:00 am and leaving the Cancer Treatment Center at 3:30pm but from now on it should take anywhere from 2-4 hours for the chemotherapy treatment.

One thing is my appetite: I was STARVING!  During treatment Tom went and got me a Carl's Jr: A big hamburger and fries and a strawberry milkshake.  We got home and I ate a 1/2 of a Subways meatball Sub and a big piece of cherry cheesecake, then Tom cooked dinner and I had a fish sandwich. I "think" it's the steroid but seems to be settling down as I am not hungry right now.

No nausea/vomiting yet, only a little cold sensitivity in my throat when drinking "cold" drinks, again not painful just a shock like static electricity in my throat, no neuropathy or cold sensitivity in my hands or feet. A tiny headache and a bit of an ache at my neck incisions (especially when I cough!)

So first session done at the Cancer Center Treatment Center done and going on at home and will see what comes. I thanked Tom for all he is doing for me and all he is willing to do, he is the most wonderful man in the world and the best boyfriend ever and I love him with all my heart and soul, mind and body.

 Will write again tomorrow ..........................

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