Monday, February 8, 2010

Oncologists visit

I went to go see my Oncologist today and we had a great talk. I had my blood draw before that so next Monday will call and find out what my CEA levels are doing and guess what? Got a great draw back on the first try (grins) so port not clogged.

So Tom and I go in to see the Dr. and I tell him all that is wrong; my mood swings, my back hurting, my ankle (I had shattered last year) feeling like a block of wood and me being scared that the cancer might have settled in the bones there, had him feel my abdomen (once side tighter and more lumped up (higher) than the other side, the neuropathy in my fingers, my tiredness, my stress levels. my high BP. And then asked questions like can they do a chemo bath on me? How about organ transplants (just questions I came up with and had been thinking about, why are we not going at the cancer as aggresively as we can? Etc.)

So He told me one of the problems was I was looking at this as a death sentence which it is, but do I want to spend every single day of the rest of my life upset and worried and scared? He is treating this as a long term disease just like high blood pressure or diabetes or such. He said I am not anywhere near dying tomorrow, next week or next month so I need to get that in my head and stop scaring myself to death everytime something "out of the ordinary" happens whether it is with me or with something He orders, if it really concerns me call His office or come in or go to the emergency room if it is with my health that day. But otherwise do like I did, write down my questions and he will deal with them.

He doubled the BP med dose as mine is still high 168/102 I think, and is a bit curious as I have only lost 2 pounds even with taking the diuretic. (I haven't taken in the last 4 days cause of the way I have been feeling so I guess that's why. Tom is a big guy and I have gotten used to eating like he does so I guess I have not lost any wieght because I am eating like Tom and I am getting steroids with my treatment.

The tightness and unevenness in my stomach he says is a hernia but didn't say anything else. He had me get a shot of cortisone for the back and ankle pain well it's not working as I came home, my ankle is killing me and my back hurt the minute I bent but it's okay like Tom says it probably has not kicked in yet.

Oncologist says cancer never goes below the thighs so it's not in my ankle but is ordering an MRI for my back. Chemo bath is out as that is only for abdominal cancer and no there is no way on transplants as would have to do both lungs and liver and there are cancer cells in my blood which would just attack the new organs. (I knew the last just wanted to see what he would say). We are not going at the cancer aggressively because it is as he said a long term thing, we will attack it with chemo then back off, attack it with chemo then back off, etc, etc.

The neuropathy in my fingers (which is growing from my fingertips down my fingers) he attributes to the Oxalalplatin, which I last had like 2 months ago so yes I guess the side effects although different than when I had taken THAT chemo can last months after you stop taking it.

So, plan of treatment now? MRI, PET scan, then in three weeks see the Oncologist again (At least that is what Tom says, I don't remember anything past the MRI and Tom had me leave the Cancer Center without making an appoinment for the next visit as He thinks they will make the appt after the PET scan ( I hate that I did not write what the Oncologist said down as now I am confused, I know he said call Him after the MRI but when exactly do I go in to see him? Before or after the PET scan? I know he said 3 weeks but okay there I go confusing myself again and making it harder, so breathe let it go and see how it works out (if it wasn't for valium and vicodin I'd be a basket case swear)

I'll try to post on some of you guys post later on tonight or tomorrow. I hope for the best for everyone and hopefully you won't have to endure any more meltdown posts from me.

Edit: Amy, Oncologist's Assistant just called and said Oncologist wants to see me after the MRI, which she will schedule, I go have then I call her and she makes an appointment with the Oncologist for me, so where does the PET scan fit in? AFTER I see the Dr? By the way that was a rhetorical question as she hurried me off the phone and I no longer am worrying about the stuff as it happens it happens I guess.

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