Monday, February 22, 2010

Oncologist's Visit Today

First and foremost the tests:

PET/CT scan revealed that my liver lesions are the same as before 6 out of 12 gone, the other remaining are (I can't remember the exact wording and I didn't write it down dammit) stagnant for lack of the correct wording.

My lung lesions are a different matter, they are growing not in number but in size and seem to have become resistant to the chemotherapy I was on so starting next Monday and then every two weeks I go in for Camptosar (Generic name: Irinotecan)  along with Avastin. He is not putting me back on Folxfox-6 regimen with Avastin as Comptosar is indicated for the treatment of patients with metastatic carcinoma of the colon or rectum whose disease has recurred or progressed following 5-FU-based therapy ~ Which mine is progressing. so it wouldn't do any good to put me back on the Folfox-6 regimen I guess.

So. I looked up Camptosar and the major side effect I seem to be facing is severe diarrhea, with some nausea and vomiting, perhaps hair loss and they will have to monitor my blood count closely as it effects the bone marrow.

In three months I will have another PET SCAN.

If anyone has had treatment with Camptosar(Iriniotecan) please let me know what exactly to expect as far as side effects if you would and thank you.

So that's the PET/CT scan results and plan.

The MRI was done for my back pain, the MRI showed I have a bulging disc (He didn't say which one) my Oncologist is referring me to a Doctor (can't remember the specialty name right now) who is going to give me a steroid and epidural shot under X-Ray and see how it goes, if no more pain, no more treatments, if pain comes back then we see if more shots will help or what.

Also my Oncologist told me to diet so tomorrow I start. 5'3 1/2 and 242, yeah I guess I should lose some weight since as he says I am not dying anytime soon (I really want to believe that). I have been having more pains in my stomach when I twist or move sometimes or even laying still in bed I am sure and he is also comes from the hernia so we are going to try weight loss to help both the hernia and maybe my back a bit.

Didn't bring up the sex issue as I think Tom and I have resolved that. But did bring up depression and anxiety, my Oncologist got a bit nervous and does not feel comfortable going beyond Valium without referring me to a Psychiatrist. I really don't want to spend all of Tom's time off running around to more Dr's so as long as my Oncologist or his PA will give me Valium I will be fine I think.

No anemia, my blood work is fine right now so I guess the being cold all the time is just a thing my body is doing to me right now, he said not to worry. So next Monday I go in for my blood draw and treatment and will find out my CEA level from today.

Will do some more research on the new treatment but again if anyone has any experience with this please let me know oh and also if anyone has had the epidural shot for a back problem let me know about it, I remember having an epidural shot for my hysterectomy, colectomy, etc and for 36 hours no fricking pain, I loved it, Tom's (separated) wife gets these and he says they can last for months or forever They give the first shot to see how I react then gauge if I need more and how often.

(I have to admit I am a bit scared that the lesions in my lungs proved resistant so fast and of this new treatment but will be hopeful)

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