Friday, February 5, 2010

So here we are again and I am totally PISSED OFF

So why am I so mad?

Well since September 2009 regular as clockwork every two weeks on Monday I go in for chemo, no not just chemo, the schedule goes like this;

Bloodwork drawn with CEA level included
See the Dr.
Then Chemo

This has been the schedule EXCEPT the month I had to take off when I had that bad cold and did not want to infect anyone and could not stand the thought of chemo and when my Oncologist "Did not feel the need to order the CEA along with the other tests on my blood".

So remember that Monday is my next Avastin treatment and then a month off? And my BP is up due to "I" think the Avastin and my Oncologist thinks is water retention and I am now on a diuretic, a potassium supplement and a beta blocker.

So I have this paper in my hand for my next two appointments, one Monday and the other, a little less than a month away. I see blood work to be drawn but no CEA so I called my Oncologist's office yesterday, left a message to ask that it be included. (Remember my CEA had gone up almost double what it was at the last draw from the one two weeks before that)

The Assistant calls me today and tells me the Oncologist has ordered no blood work to be done Monday and I don't have an appointment with him Monday, I am only going there to get the Avastin. I look at the paperwork closer and sure enough the blood work (without the CEA level) and the appointment to see the Oncologist are almost a month away NOT Monday.

Is this man super stupid or insensitive or just plain out of his mind? My CEA level is rising, I have hypertenstion/high blood pressure because of the Avastin and Monday is the last time I will see him for almost a month and he does not order any blood work or set an appointment for me to see him until almost a month after this treatment??????????

The Assistant put the order through for the blood work to be drawn on Monday including the CEA level and said the Oncologist will be in on Monday (He was out this whole past week) but can't guarantee an appointment with him.

I called Tom a few moments ago crying hysterically and Tom said we will just go in Monday and check in and demand to see the Oncologist and we won't leave the Cancer Center until we do.

Why does this idiot of a Dr. do this to me and why do I stay with him instead of finding another Oncologist.

You know what I am getting from everything this man is doing? I am getting it doesnt matter because I was walking dead when I first hit his door and it's advanced faster than he thought it would, I have the KRAS mutation so second and third line chemos are out and he doesn't know what to do but doesn't have the guts to tell me the truth.

I might be wrong but that's the vibes I am getting and I am pissed and scared.

Going to take a few valium and lay down

I am so glad for those of you who have kind, understanding, will talk to you and do the right thing Oncologists cause I don't it seems.


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