Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feeling better, PET scan and questions about activities for vacation answered

You guys (guys meaning guys literally and gals too (grin) are just so super. You help me to know I can go on and you give me advice and let me have a pity party to a point then pull me out of it (Grins) I am feeling better, the past two days were Tom's day off so we just spent the time in bed watching TV and DVD's, Tom went for take out (I know not nutritious but he would rather do that than cook although he can cook (grins).

So, today I went for my PET scan and called my Oncologists office, his PA Kristen returned my call and since my next appointment is July 19th she said to keep that appointment (with the chemo and blood work) but call her this Friday and she'll go over the results of the PET with me (My Oncologist now works only Mon-Thurs so won't be there Friday).

I also called my surgeon and she said they are not worried about me doing any activities on my vacation and yes I outlined them all, she said they should all be okay, BUT what I cannot do is lift anything over 25 pounds, do sit ups (yeah right LOL) or things like that. She also said when the hernia gets hard like it did those two days I had pain? to massage it and try to get it to work back in. She "advises" a truss so I guess I will call her again and ask her if she can phone in a prescription for one so I won't have to pay the whole cost. We shall see about that though as I don't have any money left from my disability and Tom is tapped out with the vacation and buying groceries today.

So, Friday we call and finalize the activities part of our vacation as we have to wait for Tom's check to get in the bank but we have the hotel and the car reserved.

We went grocery shopping as I mentioned after the PET scan (Tom sat in with me on the PET scan as I do get claustrophobic) and I was okay until we got home and I started putting things away. It was like I lost coordination and was dropping things. I dropped a big can of canned fruite on my foot and had to sit down and cry for awhile, nothing broken but going to have a bruise. Getting lots of advise from neighbors here on how to stay cool during vacation and now I am off to answer private messages.

Again thank you all for your support and help and you are all in my thoughts and prayers and I will let ya'll know what the PA says on Friday about the PET scan. For some reasons I don't worry about the PET scans too much, I already know how my CEA level is and because it's such a good indicator for me I "think" I know how my PET scan will be but please add me to prayers and thoughts anyways. (((((((((((hugs))))))))

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