Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wigs, side effects and general thoughts

So, I went down to the Hospice and with Tom's help picked out two beautiful wigs, both red, one a little more to my liking the others to Tom's, will have to get him to take pics for me on  his cell phone so I can post three, one with my head buzz cut like it is now  (Yeah I got tired of crying about it coming out all the time so chopped at it with scissors (as Tom says ala Brittany Spears) and then used Tom's hair clippers and then had Tom touch that up ("IF" I ever get the photo's and get them up you'll see on the left side of my head a kind of almost "dent" that was Tom's "Whoops" moment, he set the setting a bit too low and I have a bit less hair there, it's really not noticeable with the amount of hair I  have gone and the teeninchie amount left but "I" can see where the hair swoops down into a dent then evens out again  (something I can joke with him about)

Also the side effects this time are major fatigue, I really did not do anything, literally anything this week but go grocery shopping Tuesday morning and put the groceries away and then nothing the rest of the week but making coffee for both of us in the morning, making breakfast a couple days, making his lunch each day for work, then literally laying in the bed all day long watching TV and then making dinner at night for Tom and myself, oh and feeding the cats and handing out treats during the day, until yesterday when I did one load of laundry, and because my hair was all over the bathroom and vanity area I cleaned those areas and the floor, the toilet and tub.

Yesterday diarrhea did start, two episodes, took two Imodium AD pills and no more diarrhea so seem to be okay on that front.

I really like the wigs but for some reason don't mind going around the house bare headed or with a cap on, will save the wigs for "going away from the home" excursions.  Today we "might" go to a movie (We were going to go to the Wild Animal Park but neither Tom nor I have that much energy today and his shins were bothering him last night (He drives a Co2 truck and all that getting in and out for deliveries sometimes gets to him) so maybe a movie or maybe vegging around the house just watching TV.  Tomorrow if we feel up to it Tom is going golfing and I will ride along, I get to drive the cart (grin) as I don't think it's a good idea for me to be swinging a golf club with the hernia.  (The only time I get to drive is a golf cart as I can't drive a stick which the Van is or a motorcycle which Tom is getting repaired this coming week so he can drive it to work with the good weather now and save even more gas and we don't have the money for another car for me and I gave up my license anyway.)

So that about brings you up to date with me, I haven't heard from my youngest son for a couple of months so hope he is doing okay so I ask for prayers for his safety and welfare and I offer my prayers and thoughts that everyone is having a great and wonderful day.

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