Friday, October 2, 2009

Night and Day from Hell

Okay so maybe it's not the side effects or maybe it is but I feel like pure crap;  my head hurts, my stomach hurts, my back hurts, my tooth hurts.  I don't remember Tom coming home from work again and have no idea what he ate for dinner (Okay so am I slipping into bad girlfriend mode cause I can't wake up and have no energy to move?)

This morning the cats, well Kelly to be exact jumped all over me in an effort to get someone to get up and feed them, finally moaning I rolled out of bed and made it to the bathroom in time to avoid an accident and Tom fed the cats.  We are downstairs and drinking coffee but don't think I will be down here too long.  It feels like I haven't slept in a year and yet that is all I have done for the past two days is sleep.

Maybe today will be a better day, just stay in bed, get my energy back and start on the down slope of side effects which really except for the fatigue haven't been bad at all.

Right now I am in a sucky mood though, I can't get comfortable and don't know what I want I just know I am on the verge of tears, tired and scared.

Please think of me today. someone ........................


  1. HI Marsha,

    Its the chemo that is taking out to you, what you need is to call oncologists about your fatigue and get something for it, My wife Barb went through all this in past 8 yrs and I know so much about cancer and body and the effects, if you need any help email me at I can help you with advise etc... keep going and Praying for you. Best Wishes Rob

  2. Thank you Rob, I hadn't even thought of asking the Oncologist for anything, just figured it was a side effect I had to plow through but will call them tomorrow to ask about something to take as it is now 9:08pm and I have just woken up from sleeping the whole day away. I appreciate your comments and your offers for help and will take you up on them as/if needed. God bless you and I hope your day is going well and I recognize you have your own time of loss you are dealing with and hope that you are well in that aspect also, I am here for you also if you need me;
