Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Third chemotherapy session

Pretty much the same routine, check in, get my blood drawn (through my port, not problems getting a draw and she left the tube in for when I came back to the day waiting room for treatment.) wait for the labs to come back, guess my white blood cell count and platelets are doing fine as they take me back for treatment.

Tom and I get all set up in the corner and the treatment begins, we watched more Grey's Anatomy on my laptop and Tom went and got us lunch at some point, good lunch and then the rest of the treatment.  They say 2-4 hours for treatment but I don't think we have or will get out of there in under six hours what with the waiting to be seen (not all that long), the blood draws (over in a minute), the waiting to be seen as they wait for the blood results to come back (little bit longer wait), the treatment (seems forever).

The nurse assigned today gave me the Avastin in 30 minutes rather than an hour, I didn't really understand her explanation of why so have to call the Dr. today anyway so will ask or tomorrow when I got to get the pack unplugged. (It was either they were  pushing  more in at a faster rate, or pushing less so it didn't take so long)

I know I dosed during treatment but don't think I really fell asleep.  I have been real nervous lately and my Dr. has me on Valium 5mg. and Wellbutrin, but the Wellbutrin is for to stop smoking (Stupid insurance companies and their more hoops, had to take the patch and my Dr. had to report it did not work, now have to take Wellbutrin and then when my Dr. says it does not work they will either FINALLY fill my prescription for Chantix to stop smoking or put me through more hoops (Uh, DUH! in case no one has been paying attention smokers have become pariahs and there are even cities in Southern California that are banning smoking in their City.  Smoking is an addiction and bad for your health right? Uh duh, cancer here and going through chemotherapy wouldn't it make sense for the insurance to want to help me stop smoking)

So okay back to the original subject. after chemotherapy I was really shaky and weak and emotional, have been going through spells like this, not sure if it's the chemo, the chit with the restraining order and court upcoming on Thursday or my worry about Tom and me.  Got to talk to Kristin and she asked me how often I take the Wellbutrin and I said once a day, she said up it to two a day and we will see how that works.  Stupid chemo brain! When I got home I found out I take one every 12 hours so already take two a day.  I called the office and left a message for her and will call her tomorrow.

The side effects from the oxaliplatin have started to kick in, I went to get Tom a cold pack from the freezer and was like "OUCH" the minute my hands touched the cold stuff.  No more teeny static electricity shocks, nope big time hurting burning sensation when I touch cold, shards of glass feel in the back of my throat when I drink something cold and even tingling in my hands and feet even when not touching anything cold.

It's 3:44am right now and I threw up for like the fifth time.  Oh yeah this treatment is going wonderful.

The baby shower Sunday was nice for my ex neighbor, small as a lot of people backed out of it but cute.  And she loved the stroller we got her although Tom thought spending over $200 for a baby stroller with a car seat was a bit much.  She is pregnant, just got kicked out of this apartment complex over her stupid boyfriend drinking, just broke up with him and is moving into a "roommate" situation for the first time in her life, I think she deserved a very nice gift and we payed halvsies on it so ................. (grin).

Forgot to ask what my last CEA count so will ask when I call today or just find out on Wednesday.

Okay will write more today as the side effects keep coming, take care all ............................

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